May The Forest Be With You: Using Whole Trees In Building Construction
In this post on I talk about a really cool and innovative company out of Madison, Wisconsin that uses whole trees [...]
A Bright Idea: Teaching Educators To Be Entrepreneurs
The National Science Foundation's new I-Corps L (for learning) program asks whether innovative educators can be taught the basics of entrepreneurship. I [...]
Innovating A New Innovation Model
The Joint Center for Energy Storage Research at Argonne National Laboratory is innovating in ways outside of battery research. Their model of [...]
Cold Calling 100 Prospects A Day: One Entrepreneur’s Story
This week's posting on profiles a Naperville-area entrepreneur who made 100 cold calls a day while getting his business [...]
Unclutter Your Mind: The Power Of Getting Rid Of Things
This week's posting on is a little bit more personal than most. It describes my attempts to de-clutter my [...]
What Is An Entrepreneur-In-Residence?
I've been EIR four times, so I get asked this question frequently. This posting on answers the question. See:
A Test Working To Predict Sudden Cardiac Death
In this week's posting on I describe Charles Polsky's odyssey to develop a medical diagnostic test that identifies those [...]
Neil Kane Hosts Workshop at the Research Park at the University of Illinois
May The Forest Be With You: Using Whole Trees In Building Construction
In this post on I talk about a really cool and innovative company out of Madison, Wisconsin [...]
A Bright Idea: Teaching Educators To Be Entrepreneurs
The National Science Foundation's new I-Corps L (for learning) program asks whether innovative educators can be taught the [...]
Innovating A New Innovation Model
The Joint Center for Energy Storage Research at Argonne National Laboratory is innovating in ways outside of battery [...]
My Smartphone Ate My Fitbit
In this week's posting on I talk about how smartphones are subsuming capabilities that are currently provided as peripherals--and what that will lead to [...]
The Three Laws of Disruption
In this week's blog post on I talk about the importance of product-market fit. You can find the full posting here.
How To Overcome The Boredom That Follows Mastery
In this week's post on I take on a topic that always challenged me but I struggled to identify what was going on until [...]
Why You Should Write Your Own Term Sheet
In this week's post I propose a new way of thinking about talking to investors. See: Why You Should Write Your Own Term Sheet at [...]
Patents For Sale: How To Separate The Valuable From The Worthless
In this post on I talk about the experience of Penn State University in auctioning off some of their patents.
Know When It’s Time to Go
In this article for I shared a deeply personal experience about the decision I made to step down from a company I co-founded.